
Senator Hosts Google+ Hangout on Early Education

Google Hangout on Early EducationHawaii State Senate Committee on Education Chair Jill Tokuda will utilize a Google+ Hangout today to discuss new legislation focused on early education with U.S. Senator Mazie K. Hirono and preschool providers from around the state.

Tokuda previously used a Google+ Hangout to meet with public school principals, and has held several “Twitter Town Hall” meetings.

Today’s focus will be the newly introduced Providing Resources Early for Kids Act (PRE-K Act) and how Hawaii can best position itself to be a part of future federal investments in state preschool programs. During the live virtual roundtable, participants will be taking questions from the general public live via Twitter, through the hashtag #HIEarlyEd.

The PRE-K Act, Introduced by Senator Hirono earlier this month, creates a new federal-state partnership that gives states incentives to both improve the quality of state preschool programs and expand to serve more children in need. Under this legislation, states like Hawaii could apply for startup funds if they submit a plan to establish a high-quality preschool program within two years.

“Hawaii’s children deserve the lifelong advantages that equal access to high-quality early education affords,” said Sen. Tokuda in a press release. “Senator Mazie K. Hirono’s PRE-K Act is fundamental, and would provide states like Hawaii with support as we build a robust early learning system for our youngest of keiki.”

This topic is top of mind to so many right now, and we recognize the unique opportunity new media presents us with to engage with constituents and connect across the islands and to our nation’s capitol,” she added.

Google HangoutsGoogle+ Hangouts provide users the capability to video chat with multiple individuals at the same time. Google+ Hangouts and other social media vehicles continue to be used by government officials seeking new ways to engage with those they serve.

A proponent for enhancing civic engagement in the policymaking process, Sen. Tokuda continues to advance the Senate’s commitment to ending the geographical divide that confronts our island state through the use of technology. As chair of the Senate’s Committee on Education, she is one of two committees piloting the Senate’s new Neighbor Island Video Conferencing Program.

Today’s Early Learning Hangout will take place during this year’s Education Week at the Hawaii State Capitol.

  • WHO: Senator Jill Tokuda to host panel with local preschool providers
  • WHEN: Friday, March 22, 2013 from 10:00 am-11:00 am
  • WHERE: Hawaii State Capitol Room 414 and live on YouTube

Google Hangout photo courtesy Google.

Ryan Ozawa

Ryan Kawailani Ozawa has immersed himself in new technologies and online communities since the days before the web. From running a dial-up BBS in the early '90s to exploring today’s dynamic world of "Web 2.0" and social media, he has long embraced and evangelized the ways in which technology can bring people together.